Welcome to Transrail

Focus: The Future of Train Operations

Transrail has world class technical knowledge and experience in railway systems engineering, traffic operations, IT-systems and mathematics. Transrail has, since the foundation in 1995, provided efficient consultancy and IT solutions to the key challenges of railways.

Railways globally meet a constantly increasing pressure to provide greater capacity and improved service performance, whilst reducing investment, operational and energy costs. This drives demand for improved and coordinated traffic management and train operation systems. A fundamental solution is to use centrally guided traffic and making trains follow the guidance on time at the same time as making them operate eco-efficient.

After many years of ambitious and innovative research, development and testing in this field, Transrail is proud to provide our CATO product to the global railway market as a proven high performing traffic operation and driving guidance system.

CATO was launched in 2014 and has become the focus of our activities. CATO has outstanding capabilities and is today an obvious choice for Driver Advisory (DAS), Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) and Automatic Train Operation (ATO). CATO can be efficiently used in any railway operation from metros to high speed passenger and heavy haul freight and covers all types of traction systems. CATO is future proof. Its mathematical modeling and structure makes it possible to meet any future demands on function and optimal performance.

CATO guides driving on the second according to the real time traffic plan.
Traffic Capacity
CATO allows efficient centrally guided traffic operation with high usage of infrastructure capacity.
CATO guides driving with minimum energy and environmental emissions; CO2, particles, noise
Customer Satisfaction
CATO guides to smooth on-time driving, best possible comfort and high capacity.
CATO brings reduced operational costs. i.e energy and maintenance, and increased income.
Nominations & Awards

2012 | CATO wins the prestigious International Railway Union (UIC) award for the best innovation for sustainable development within the railway sector.

2013 | CATO highlighted, as the only railway project, in the yearly review of research achievements by The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)

2014 | CATO included, as the only solution from the transport sector, in Sustainia100, a booklet by the think-tank Sustainia of the 100 most sustainable solutions worldwide in 2014.

2015CATO nominated by the UN Climate Change secretariat for the Momentum for Change Initiative.

User Statements

”We are installing CATO in our trains. CATO helps the driver with information about the (optimal) speed-profile by which the train will arrive at the next station at the right time. This means that the driver can drive smoother and save energy through eco-driving. This will also reduce the wear on tracks and vehicles.”

Mats GustafssonCEO of Tågkompaniet

”If we want to improve our customer satisfaction and capacity, we need to improve our punctuality. CATO can help improve timeliness by giving the driver more relevant in real time. ERTMS will provide information about signals, but not give us the accuracy needed to run on time. CATO can help us optimize how we operate the trains.”

Oystein Risan, Director of Traffic at NSB

”CATO has brought us forward in the work environment. We have been used to the direct and important information we get by CATO. When driving without CATO I feel blind and “naked”.

Lennart Karlsson, Driver for LKAB

”Best in a 1000 miles!”

Neil Crabtree, Driver for Virgin Trains
